To strengthen affiliate sales and income, everyone uses sharesale. However when I checked the top list in Google by Sharesale “Must-Have Merchants: Fast Track Your Affiliate Efforts“, I found that all of the merchants are changed. I still don’t get why its still ranking so high in Google. Here is an updated list of Sharesale merchants with high commission shared by the Sharesale team itself.

What is Sharesale
Sharesale is a platform that has huge list of merchants from United States. These merchants approve affiliates and list their coupon codes, offers, black Friday deals and more. Affiliate can just copy and paste the links to their platforms.
Affiliate applications on sharesale soar after Amazon announced cutting commission rates for associates. Due to this sharesale has listed their favorite ShareASale merchants which accept new affiliates and stengthen affiliate marketing efforts.
Sharesale List of Top Merchants
Sharesale has listed the top Sharesale merchants with high commission on 05-May-2020. I was excited to apply for these merchants affiliate programs. I immediately went to sharesale sites and started searching for these merchants.
Must-Have Merchants: Fast Track Your Affiliate Efforts
- BeautifulHalo – Merchant ID 49370 -10 – 13% commission
- Bluprint – Merchant ID 29190 – 4% commission
- Dispatch – Merchant ID 75277 – $10 commission
- ConsumerCrafts – Merchant ID 56788 – 3% commission
- – Merchant ID 56835 – 10% commission
- i-Blason – Merchant ID 44318 – 8% commission
- SUPCASE – Merchant ID 68388 – 8% commission
Its very easy to search for merchants since we have the merchant id. I login to sharesale and did a simple search for merchant id. Alas, I cant find most of them. Here is what I found.
Updated List of Must-Have Merchants for Affiliate Efforts
- Beautiful Halo Merchant ID 49370 changed to Baycheer.
- There is no merchant associated with 29190 merchant id.
- Dispatch – Merchant ID 75277 changed to Breakout Games.
- There is no merchant associated with 56788 merchant id.
- Merchant ID: 56835 still there.
- i-Blason – Merchant ID 44318 still there.
- SUPCASE – Merchant ID 68388 still there.
So basically, out of the 7 must have merchants in sharesale post, only 3 of them are still there. 2 of them has stopped providing affiliate accounts or stopped their programs. 2 of them is no longer associated with sharesale. I urge sharesale team to update their list of top Sharesale merchants with high commission so it would be helpful for new affiliates to find merchants easily.