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how to download and install     from the java archives

How to Download and Install 1.8 0_45 From the Java Archives

Java Devlopment Kit jdk 1.8 0_45 has been archived but is accessible for developers. This post shares an easy way to download and install jdkjava 1.8 0_45 from archives.

1. Go to Java Archive using the link: Java Archive Downloads

You will get a windows titled asJava SE 8 Archive Downloads and there will be warning message saying that “WARNING: These older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production.”

This is basically means that if you download and install java 1.8 0_45, your computer may be at risk as it is an archiveddownload and no security patches or latest updates are included in the download. So it is advisable to use latest Java jdk1.8.0_131 for developing applications.

2. Press CTRL+F to get search option.

3. Searh for “Java SE Development Kit 8u45” without quotes

4. You can see a number of operating systems, downloadable extentions and sizes of downloads ofJava SE Development Kit 8u45.

5. Accept the licence agreement by clicking the bubble

6. Click on the downloadable extention as per the operating system that you use.

Your download ofjava 1.8 0_45 will begin shortly. Wait for thejava 1.8 0_45 download to finish. Proceed with the installation ofjava 1.8 0_45 by clicking “Next” and finally “Finish”.

In order to installjava 1.8 0_45 after downloading in Windows 7, use my tutorial on how to install Java SDK in Windows.A video tutorial is also available to help you get through the process;

You may need to verify to check whether the JDK java 1.8 0_45 installation was successful. For that you can use command prompt. I have shared the way to verify using the command prompt in the above link.

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