Step 1: Go directly to Link PAN Card with Aadhaar using this link: Link Pan Card With Aadhaar
Go to Income Tax website> Services >Link Aadhaar [left side]
Type required information
PAN CARD number
Aadhaar Number
Name as per Aadhaar number
If you have only date of birth in Aadhaar card, tick the box. This basically means if your details such as gender, date of birth does not match with existing Aadhaar number.
Please ensure the date of birth, gender and Aadhaar number is as per Aadhaar details to proceed further.
If Date of Birth and Gender is fully matched and Name as per Aadhaar is not exactly matched, then the user has to additionally provide Aadhaar OTP to proceedwith Partial Name Match.
Enter Captcha
Select Submit. Then you will get a confirmation message.
Errors and Solutions
Invalid PAN. Please Retry
Check the PAN number and type again
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Use another browser.
Confirm Form Resubmission
Close the browser or the tab
Redo all the processes from beginning.