(i) be registered under an existing statute like the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (Now Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013) etc;
(ii) Normally be in existence for at least three years and has undertaken reasonable activity in its chosen field for the benefit of the society for which the foreign contribution is proposed to be utilised. For this purpose, the association should have spent at least Rs.10,00,000/- over the last three years on its aims and objects, excluding administrative expenditure. Statements of Income & Expenditure, duly audited by Chartered Accountant, for last three years are to be submitted to substantiate that it meets the financial parameter.
When I consulted with some consultancies, the answer was,
For that you will register in your place itself in registrar or sub-registrar office itself. After registration for 12A and 80G minimum 1 or 2 years need to get these certificates. In case of FCRA 3 years should complete to get, and also minimum per year more than 5 lakhs transaction in bank, then only you will get FCRA.
I think it would be better to follow rules of the Ministry when going for FCRA registration. You can also refer a website called FCRA FOR NGOS to know more about this.
NGO Registration Details
1) Name of NGO:-
2) Office Address:-
3) Tah. : – District: – State:-
4) Pin code:-
5) Phone no. with STD code:-
6) Contact Person:-
7) Complete Address with Pin code:-
8) Mobile No:-
9) Resi. No. :-
10) Management Committee List (at least 7 members list if society)
Full Name Address with pin code & phone No.(STD code)
Age Education Occupation Designation
11) Aims & Objectives