Akhil S Kumar 13-03-2014 Do you know how to pick up and attend a call well? How to make interesting communication...
A company works in chapters in different locations. Each Chapter has one project lead (chapter manager) – 3 trainers and...
UNCRPD is called as the paradigm shift in the new millennium, which has a record of 81 signatories on the...
Many travelers fly in Jet Airways as it provides good service as well as good food. Usually people book flight...
Akhil S Kumar25-03-2014 This post aims to give an understanding about the key characteristics of Qualitative research an to discuss...
Job interviews has evolved so fast since the launch of technology and this notable evolution of job interviews has not...
You may have heard that the new Google Android Oreo is launching soon. Here is all the information that you...
I just went to observe General Out Patient care and was posted with the in charge doctor in Koduvalli clinic....
A testimonial is a document that povide information regarding the person’s conduct, abilities, skills, experiences etc. There are two types...
How do you think? How do you arrive at specific conclusions and escape from situations?“The rational mind usually doesn’t decide...
Google Public DNS It is a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service announced on 3 December 2009. ...
Health is determined by so many factors including psychological, social, physical and spiritual dimensions. These determinants either promote or deteriorate...