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The new fast image search by Google- Does it stink for publishers?

Google has introduced a new update for fast image searching and redesigned Google Images. Now the users can swiftly flip through a series of images using keyboard. It was listed in the Google’s blog, under the url, Posted by Hongyi Li, Associate Product Manager.

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The new fast image search by Google

Will it increase CTR?

Now after selection of an image, the results will be displayed in an inline panel with the Meta data, author, image size and name of website. They said that his update will increase CTR as well as the search experience of the visitors but publishers say that the traffic dropped for more than 50%. Some of the webmasters do not think this is a good idea and asked whether to keep the “basic” version of Google Images if people do not like the new version. In the basic version publisher’s page was loaded under the image but in the newer version there is only a 4 clickable links.
Now I am not sure what is plagiarism?


Another thing is that the BIG G should consider Reference and terms of use when storing the pictures. The problem is going to be an ethical issue in the coming days. Photography sites and other images related sites are having big drop in their traffic due to this new update. Webmasters are redirecting the links of images to their sites than Google bots. They are including simple .htaccess for Apache or config for nginx codes which will redirect from jpg to the website page. Some are enabling  hotlink protection.

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