Do you have a 6-month unemployment period after graduation or Unemployed For over 6 Months after resigning from the last job. Getting unemployed and depressed is a normal phenomenon of many and you can use this time fruitful. There are millions of people in the US who are unemployed and depressed and you are not alone.
Here are 14 Tips if You’ve Been unemployed and depressed for Over 6 Months on how to improve your chances of to get a job, earn some passive income while having no job, escape from usual rejection e-mails, and increase confidence. Take your time and go through each point and choose that fits your interest and skill.
Job Loss and Unemployment Stress: How to Cope
When I quit my job, I had a job offer in my pocket. Though I did not take it. I went to home, took days to see what exactly I wanted to do and started blogging. Let me tell you, it is hard path. The more hours i put, the less money I was getting. My family started pointing out that I am unemployed and should start looking for a job. I was now unemployed and depressed.
I could not convince them about my path nor I could not show them any result. I was devastated. I did not know what to do. I stopped blogging and send resume to many employers. If I clearly remember I send resume to at least 22 employers. 2 rejected it and I did not any communication from others. Now I am depressed and unemployed.
Finally some friend of mine called about a job in an NGO far away from my place. I had to take it up due to strong family pressure and shift to a place that I have no idea about. Place was bad, job was bad, salary was ok. I continued there for 6 months and then I again decided to quit my job. In these months I worked hard in my blog and I was getting enough money from it.
Lessons from being unemployed and depressed without job
1. Create a source of income when you are unemployed: I am not saying that you may find success in blogging or any other stuff. But do try to create a source of income that you can depend on when you leave job. That way you do not need worry about anything.
2. Never need to convince anyone including your family: Your family or friends or relatives do not know why you quit the job or you are not getting job. It does not matter whether you convince them or not. They are mostly not going understand. For them a steady independent earner is the best choice.
3. Read about Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Kiyosaki: There are many wonderful personalities who struggled all their life and then with passion and hardwork, raised millions of dollars. Do think optimistically and dont follow the crowd.
4. 9-5 Job kills: Yes, you heard it right. You are working 8-9 hours a day for fulfilling the dream of someone just because you will get some money. You are working for money. If you keep for working for money, then it will only end in your death. Money should work for you. Do read Rich Dad Poor Dad on how you can make money work for you.
5. List of stuff that you want to do alone: Do not put all your eggs in one basket. Do list out many stuff that you are passionate or have an idea. Try the best one and learn from the mistakes. Do not put all your money in that idea.
6. Do Lean Start up: A start up can be a small shop, a blog or website, an information center for your local community. This will generate income while you are a searching for a job. I have shared a few start up ideas in case you are interested. You may have an idea to build a super market. Do start a small grocery shop first and learn the business well. Then add vegetable to it, and expand slowly over 2-3 years of time.
Practical Lessons for people who are unemployed and depressed but no idea
1. Never Leave A Job Without A Job In Your Hand.
Always try to find another job before resigning from the current one. This will give you a piece of mind even if you are not planning to take it. If you do not have any alternate job, you may end up having no job offer and high stress, or may have to take up other jobs that are uninteresting, unfamiliar or less paid.
2. Get great reference to back you up.
Build connections in the departments and in the organisations. This way there will be always good reference to back you up while you search for jobs because there are thousands of qualified people searching for jobs.
3. Use the time to learn a skill or do a certificate course while Being Unemployed
If you decided to resign without any job in hand, use the time wisely. Prepare for Government exams, higher education, join a new course related to your job, write IELTS exam, get passport, join an online certificate course from an international university, learn a new computer software, train in social, writing, communication skills and learn a new language like French or German. These will back you up while attending interviews unless you will marked as Professionals with a Gap.
4. Hold on to your reasons of quitting the job.
No need to get stressed and feeling worthless. You had your reasons for quitting the job. Your reasons may not be understood by others. So there is no point in clarifying your intention or reasons to others instead convince yourself. Build confidence. You can do SWOT analysis to find out your strengths and weaknesses.
5. Get family involved
Family can help and support you in financial trouble. It is solely your call on whether you want to involve family. Staying with family will reduce your expenses thereby reducing financial stress.
Life Lessons for People unemployed and depressed and Never had a job
Here are some things or pointers that will help you restart your search for jobs or help you to figure out solutions.
1. Sell Your CV / Resume
Find good model of portfolio, CVs and Resume and start adding your information. Chance of getting a job is high with an excellent resume and good academic record. Prospective employers look at the CV before they look at you. It is your CV that makes the difference in the group of other potential applicants. You also need to start improving cover letter, statement of purpose and ask your friends to rate them at a scale of 1-10.
2 Being Selective is Tricky | Use Filters
I know many unemployed people who are looking for the right job or a job that match the skills or interest. If you are really want a job urgently, do not be selective much but use filters.
Filters can be;
a. low/ medium / high pay
b. small / medium / large company
c. regional / national / international company
d. permanent / temporary positition
e. matches your skills / does not match skills
f. matches your interests / does not match
g. higher positions or roles / lower positions
3. Get Unemployment Benefits for Being Unemployed
Apply for unemployment benefits from Government even if it is really less.
4. Step into a different field
Sometimes you need to get out of your degree cocoon and look for other jobs in different field. I know of a friend who have done Engineering Degree and have worked for a Space Research Organisations as an Intern and as a teacher for some years. So be open to all jobs in the market. Taking different jobs will help you to meet new people from different background eventually helping you to find the one you are looking for.
The job market is diluted with degrees. Mostly everyone is running behind general degrees like MBAs. Only a person with specific skill set have a chance to aim for a higher position. Many degrees pay very less such as Social work with a BA, or B.Ed
5. Look for Local Opportunities
Use google maps and search for all the companies nearby your area.
Check the website > career section, Visit their office, check with HR managers, contact them via email to know about existing vacancies.
6. Do Freelancing / Part Time Jobs and Earn Passive Income
While you are searching for jobs, sign with Elancer, Freelancers, upwork and other major freelancer sites and sell your skills. You can start applying on creating a resume for another person thereby earning income as well as learning the skill.
6. Post Resume in Job Boards and Websites
You can post your resume in Monster, Glassdoor, Careerbuilder, Dice Indeed and SimplyHired for identifying potential opportunities. You can also post resume to regional recruitment websites to get exposure.
7. Meet Other Job Seekers who also Being Unemployed currently
Go to coffee shops, clubs, online forums and talk to other fellow job seekers. They will say their story which will make you feel that your life is way better. This will also help you to generate leads and tips to other job opportunities.