Consumer complaint websites are usually made with word press phpBB, bbPress, ForumPress etc.
These forums is having user generated topics and contents. Like one visitor will join the forum, thinking that this website will solver their issue and some think that these websites are started by government to address the issues of website.
However the real deal is that these websites are not started or maintained by Government sites. To file a complaint, the person have to got the concerned department website and select the appropriate option. Some consumer forum websites claims that they are doing free service. But they are not. They are adding ad sense ads in it. So they will get money when people look on the ads and they will get money when a visitor clicks on the ad. The website administrators just start the consumer website, add some back links, get some social likes and shares, create some diverse topics and answers and wait for the magic to happen.
You can also a start a consumer website to earn money. You can either start a forum in line with word press or blogger blog. My suggestion is that start a consumer website alone and do not associate it with other blogs.
Find out some latest topics like mobile phone display gone, laptop is not working, issue with windows 8.1, solved answer about browser issue, how to solve this and that etc.
Add some users to it and you can even ask some friends to post their past issues and complains in it.
Then give suitable answers for that questions. These answers must be concise and up to the point. You can even add pdf files, government circulars, press releases to make it more authentic.
1. Do not start some forum with scraped content that discusses about topics that violate Google policies. Do not scam answers with lot of images.
2. Do not criticize the visitor, even if the questions is irrelevant. You can either remove the question and personally send a message to the user or comment on it using polite statements.
Make the website looks like an authentic source and add regular content. You only add ad sense ads when you have sufficient views, a good number of visitors, good and original content and good back links.