Ad sense is one of the best ad network that gives you a chance of earning from your blog or website. You need to remember some basic steps before you go and apply for ad sense. You can check out my new post about “How To Apply For Ad Sense And Create A New Account?” for that.
To day i am going to share you a free online HTML parser/ encoder tool which helps you to parse your HTML codes. The main aim of the HTML Parser and encoder tool is that it will recognize the used markup and separate it from plain text (alias data content) making the codes more distinct.
This tool can be used for ad sense ads while inserting to HTML gadgets. You can this HTML parser tool for coding purpose, to create blogger templates and for editing use. So i hope you will like it and you will share it your friends…
Update: HTML Parsing is the process of analyzing string of symbols used in HTML. This tool interprets the correct syntax which is entered.
Display code in webpages
- ‘<‘ becomes ‘<’
- ‘>’ becomes ‘>’
- ‘”‘ (Double quote) becomes ‘"e;’
- ”’ (Single quote) becomes ‘'’
- ‘&’ becomes ‘&’
Start converting your code:
Akhil S Kumar 27-03-2014
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